
Intrinsic viscosity equation
Intrinsic viscosity equation

intrinsic viscosity equation

The micro-heterogeneity of the red protein. Electron microscopy of carbohydrate polymers. Determination de la viscosite intrinseque de solutions de polymeres. The influence of brownian movement on the viscosity of solutions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 2007. Methods in molecular biophysics: structure, dynamics, function. The effect of Brownian motion on the viscosity of solutions of macromolecules. Global conformation analysis of irradiated xyloglucans. Patel TR, Morris GA, Ebringerová A, Vodenicarová M, Velebny V, Ortega A, de la Torre Garcia JG, Harding SE. Global hydrodynamic analysis of the molecular flexibility of galactomannans. Morris GA, Patel TR, Picout SR, Ross-Murphy SB, Ortega A, de la Torre Garcia J, Harding SE. Identifying differences in solution conformation of two chimeric IgG3 antibodies through triple detection SEC. The determination of the partial specific volume of proteins by the mechanical oscillator technique. Molecular weights of celluloses and cellulose derivatives. The viscosity of dilute solutions of long-chain molecules. Studies of the denaturation and partial renaturation of ovalbumin. Progress in measurement, interpretation and application to structure in dilute solution. The intrinsic viscosity of biological macromolecules. Results: At 15 mM ionic strength, intrinsic viscosity of the mAbs determined by the single-point approach varied from 5.6 to 6.4 mL/g with changes in pH. Bulk viscosity was determined by a Cambridge viscometer. Hydrodynamic and mass spectrometry analysis of nearly-intact human fibrinogen, chicken fibrinogen, and of a substantially monodisperse human fibrinogen fragment X. The Ross and Minton equation was used for viscosity prediction at high protein concentrations. 1973 16:1483–92.Ĭardinali B, Profumo A, Aprile A, Byron O, Morris GA, Harding SE, Stafford WF, Rocco M. New method for estimating the parameters of the wormlike chain model from the intrinsic viscosity of stiff-chain polymers. The activity of these ions is 10 to 20 kJ/mol, which. In general, the order of effect is Mg 2+ > Ca 2+ > Na + > K +. Equation 5.2 shows that divalents have a larger effect on the effective salinity than monovalents at the same concentration. The hydrodynamic and conformational properties of denatured proteins in dilute solutions. The intrinsic viscosity of a homogeneous PAM solution increases when NaCl is added to the solution.

Intrinsic viscosity equation